Monday, May 24, 2010

Spring Chorus Concert

This past Thursday was Ashley's Spring Chorus Concert. She is in Beginner Chorus and has really enjoyed it this past year although she did not select Chorus II as an elective for next year. She did really well and looked so beautiful and grown up on stage with the rest of the girls. There are three different chorus groups which some songs are sung all together or in their individual groups. The first song was amazing with the entire chorus. I don't remember the name they put in the program but it was Sail Away and was a great open to the evening. They finished the evening with the song by Jason Mraz "I'm Yours". You could tell they didn't have a lot of time to practice as it was a bit off compared to the first one but it was still good - especially for middle school students. I wish I had the program with me so I could list all the songs but only remember the opening and closing songs since they are familiar.

Unfortunately I did not check my batteries before we left the house so I had a dead camera for the evening. I was able to capture a picture of her afterwards on my cell phone when we went to Dairy Queen to celebrate her doing such a great job!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Smiley Charts

Jack's been having a tough time with school recently (as well as home). So we had to go meet with the teacher last Monday to find out what's been going on and see what we can do to improve his behavior. The teacher suggested a Smiley Chart where he gets a Happy face, Middle face or Sad face for different things throughout the day. Ashley had the same thing in First grade - so we were ok with it. The first 2 days weren't too great, but then by Wednesday things started to pick up. We also got back on routine at home which has helped him tremendously as well! Wednesday night during his bath I made a deal with him if he could get one day with all Happy Smiley faces we would go to the Yellow Store (Dollar General) and buy him his fishing pole. Thursday he almost made it but then on Friday WOW he got them all! And let me tell you - that little boy was SO proud of himself!! What a difference a Smiley Chart can make (and being back on routine at home too)!

Peanut Butter

Last Friday we went out for Family night as usual. Although we attempted to go to Cici's since it was Jack's pick for getting all Smileys at school, but it was WAY too packed. John and I were trying to think of other places to go and for some strange reason Five Guys Burgers popped into my head. John liked it and the kids too so off we went. While sitting and eating Jack discovered that they also had peanuts in the shells. He was watching kids at the table next to us break them open and decided he wanted to try it too. They have little paper trays (they look like french fry trays) that you scoop the peanuts into and bring back to your table. Needless to say Jack had a blast doing this and was fascinated by the peanuts inside the shells. I suggested he try one which was met with a scrunched up face response. I told him that is where peanut butter comes from and that then sounded like a good idea to him. He tried one and was amazed that this little thing no bigger than the top of his finger tasted so good! He proceeded to break a few more peanuts and put them in a ketchup cup and declare them his peanut butter. He wanted to bring them home and carried them with him for the rest of the night. It's so much fun to watch them when they learn new things and then are proud of their new discovery!