Monday, December 29, 2008

Elephant Repelant

Tonight while we were driving home from my friend Christina's house I heard this funny popping noise coming from the back seat. I realized it was Jack and asked what he was doing. He said he was popping his toy. I turned on the light and saw that he was using a kaleidoscope toy, putting his thumb in the top and pulling it out making the noise. It made me immediately remember my Dad used to do the same thing with these pewter candle sticks my parent's had. He called it Elephant Repelant. So I asked Jack, "Is that your Elephant Repelant?" which he promptly responded "Yup." No questions, just went with it. So Ashley chimes in and asks "What's Elephant Repelant?" and I told her it was the noise that Jack was making. That elephants don't like that sound and stay away, she asked me "Really?" which I responded with my Dad's line "You don't see any elephants around do you?" Jack then says, "We can't take this to the zoo we'll scare the elephants." Poor kid, scarred for life. I got him on video telling me about it but since I held the camera the wrong way it's sideways. Sorry - maybe my experienced blogging sister can show me a trick to fix the way it plays.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you can rotate video. Ask John and, if so, delete this video clip and re-post it.

    Thanks for the Dad memory. ;-)
