While I was washing dishes today and I heard Jack clambering by the doorway, so I stopped and walked over because I was afraid he might hurt himself since he was climbing on the stools we have over there. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what he was trying to get so I asked him. He had found a small hand held fan that also is a flashlight. I had completely forgotten it was there, leave it to little ones with better memories. So I got it out for him and handed it to him and he turned it on but it did not go on. He then promptly told me we needed batteries. Although we got a lot of batteries for the toys for Christmas I was not sure if we had any left. So I told him we would check but we needed to open it up to figure out what kind we needed. Off to the garage he goes while letting me know we need a screwdriver. He says to me in such a definite and informative tone, one with four points. Since he knows where Daddy keeps them in the tool box and it's a safe location I decided to wash the last two cups I had in the sink. Also, our sink is in viewing distance so I figured it was ok. He starts looking through the drawer and pulls one out and shows me "It has four points Mommy." I tell him very good and he goes right to work trying to open the back of the fan/flashlight. He has a bit of a struggle and says "It's too big" then somehow he found that it just pops off in the back, no screwdriver required. How neat and convenient, at least in his eyes. After we realize the back just pops off he looks inside and says to me (again with the informative tone) "We need double day batteries, double day OK Mommy?" How cute, although he is 5 and speaking very well I love how he still mispronounces things. I've thought of just blogging with what it's supposed to be and how he pronounces it.