Thursday, January 8, 2009

Is Nana on the airplane?

Yesterday on my drive between getting children Jack and I were having our normal conversation of how his day was at school. When we were driving through one of the developments I cut through on the way to get Ashley an airplane flew overhead. Jack asked if that was our airplane which I told him it belonged to the airport. He then asked me, is Nana on the airplane? I told him no, she was home at her house. He said to me "I wish Nana was on the airplane and could come to my house. Can she come on Tuesday?" I said to him we'd have to talk to Nana and see and maybe one Tuesday she could come. He then says "How about we can go to Nana's house on Tuesday and then Nana can come to our house and she can come to Show and Tell on Friday." I told him we could try, but we could not do that this week but I'm sure Nana would love to come to Show and Tell one Friday. Maybe she can come when the week's letter is "N" and she could be his Show and Tell. Of course I get a boisterous "Ya!" out of the back seat with that suggestion. Now we just have to work out the travel arrangements I guess.

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