Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Campers

A few weekends ago John decided to get our camping stuff out of the attic and hose down the tents in the front yard. This immediately struck the kids interest and off the three of them went pitching a camp site in our front yard. I was at work so I came home to three fully pitched tents and two very excited children. For the remainder of the afternoon as we cleaned the tents and went through the old camping equipment both Ashley and Jack were asking us "Can we sleep in the tent, can we sleep in the tent?" It's so fun to see how excited they can get about something (in our minds) so simple. After the tents were clean and dry John put the large one on the back porch. Since Ashley and Jack had gotten distracted for a little bit later in the afternoon they thought that we had put the tents away. When we went into the house they saw it on the porch and immediately went to their rooms to get anything and everything they could to prepare for their camp out. We set up their sleeping bags, pillows, stuffed animals and portable DVD players and then plugged in the porch lights to give them some light. It lasted for about a half an hour with Jack until he saw a bug - then it was all over and he came back into the house and said he'd rather sleep in his room. Ashley the experience camper that she is begged to stay out there all night. Although the neighborhood is safe we still put one of the dogs out there with her to make sure she'd be ok through the night. Needless to say she had a blast and slept out there again the next night. We have since taken the tent down but she had a great time. Jack never slept in it - but they did play in it during the day and afternoons after school.

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