Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ashley's 11th Birthday 6.13.09

This year Ashley's birthday fell on a Saturday so we were able to have her party on her actual birthday. She chose to have it at the roller rink, which surprised her Uncle Stephen and Aunt Jennifer because after they took her roller skating the last time she swore she'd never do it again. Ashley originally wanted a mermaid cake, however that was close to impossible for me to figure out to do so we compromised and went with her 2nd choice which was a tiger. It didn't turn out the way I had wanted, but she still loved it and that's all that mattered. She had a blast! She had a good number of friends show up and they rolled around the rink for a good hour before her party started. They had pizza, soda and ice pops before we sang and had cake. Ashley got to open her presents and out of all of them her favorite was a cocker spaniel WebKinz from her friend Olivia.

Although I know it's part of life I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Ashley is 11 years old! It's so hard to believe that all this time has passed by and there's time I feel that I've missed out on things even though I've been there every day with her. She's growing up so fast and we can't do anything to stop it. I tease her all the time about her stopping but she always responds that she can't - she's supposed to keep growing. Why can't we just stop them from passing a certain age? I guess it's so we can look back and cherish our memories - but still, I wish I could just freeze time ..... Happy Birthday Ashley - We Love You!

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